Thursday, November 27, 2008

TWILIGHT: a pictorial review.


Mickie said...

Okay, at first I thought that this was just a straight up photograph and not some sort of moving picture, so when I happened to look away from my computer for a moment and then looked back to see the eyes in an entirely different place from where I was pretty sure they had been before, I thought my computer was haunted.

And yes, someone does creep on your blog. Me. I care!

alyson wonderland said...

hahaha amazing!
rest assured there are no ghosts haunting my blog.........yet

Jeri said...

i feel just like this man and I've never seen the movie. :P

alyson wonderland said...

avoid it, if at all possible! i could have used those two hours to like...stare at a wall...and it would have been more worth my time.