sub⋅tle /ˈsʌtl/[suht-l]
1. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony.
2. requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment: a subtle philosophy.
3. cunning, wily, or crafty: a subtle liar.
4. skillful, clever, or ingenious: a subtle painter.
Related forms:
1. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony.
2. requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment: a subtle philosophy.
3. cunning, wily, or crafty: a subtle liar.
4. skillful, clever, or ingenious: a subtle painter.
Related forms:
sub⋅tle⋅ty, noun
subtly, adverb
my only qualms were with (highlight after this, i don't wanna ruin it for anyone) rorschach splitting a guy's head with a meat cleaver which was TOTALLY unnecessary and completely unlike what happened in the comic, the weirdly shot and awkward sex scene with the porniest version of Hallelujah they could find...like seriously, it wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't filmed it in such a wide view...nobody wants to see all that shit. AAAAAND the guy sawing the guy's arms off in prison, like, couldn't you just imply that? i mean, really? REALLY? and the ending kinda goes without saying. ALSO: ozymandias' schumacher-esque nipples and weird accent. those things aside, it was pretty good. and patrick wilson is almost fiiiiine enough to make up for any missteps.

how U doin'?
uhh....and i can't think of anything intelligent to say right now because i really ate shit going up the stairs earlier and i'm still a little dazed and very bruised.
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