Tuesday, September 23, 2008

egon schiele

(i found these here.)

i get the feeling that if i had known about stuff like this, i wouldn't have hated IB art so very much and i might have actually learned something.


Jeri said...

They're beautiful. I'm no artiste, but I think they're pretty. :)

alyson wonderland said...

they're all pretty naked and some of them look like, majorly emaciated
but it's still beautiful in that kind of way, haha

Nathanial Stuart said...

I think you're underestimating Ms. Underwood's cpacity to make you burn out into a nihilistic stupor: and no matter how much you try cuss you can't get all the spite out, so you fume and do things that aren't art. After it's all over though you just wonder why you let her get to you, because you like being you, and you stopped jut because of some doddering old woman who's trying to absolve her own artistic dissapointment by judging young aspirants with the same arrogant incompetance; to glorify her shame to a level that allows her to sleep at night.

And they're lovely. :]

alyson wonderland said...

haha thank you for the psychoanalysis, doctor ;)